Writing down your goals helps you to decide the direction you want to go in your exercise routines, your nutrition patterns, and your life. Having goals also gives you a road map of how to get there. Studies have shown that if a person writes her goals down, her chances of succeeding at that goal increases significantly.
Here is an example of an exercise goal:
Exercise Goal: I run 5 days per week for at least 30 minutes each time.
How I will reach my goal:
- I set my alarm for 5 a.m. each morning.
- I set out my running clothes, headlamp, reflective vest, shoes, and jacket each evening.
- I schedule my run on my calendar and keep it like I would any other important appointment.
This is a great start, but there is often a missing component in goal setting. First, realize that you need a body to achieve any of your goals. Second, ask yourself, “WHY do I want to achieve these goals?”. Keep asking this question until you hit upon something that hits you at an emotional level and makes your heart sing. Now, write down 3 reasons why you want to achieve your goals. For example, here are my reasons:
My personal reasons for living a healthy life:
- I want to hike in the Alps with my children and grandchildren.
- My dad had a heart attack at age 59, and I want to stave off any negative genetic disposition I have toward heart health.
- I want to run under a 7-minute mile on my 50th
- These are things that touch an emotional part of me and puts me in the game of making my goals happen.
Now it is your turn. After you write down your goals and your personal reasons for achieving those goals, keep this list on your nightstand, bathroom mirror, and computer. The list will help you get out of bed when the alarm goes off at 5 a.m. for your morning run or help you refocus when you’re tired after a long day in the office.
What are your goals for 2017?
If you would like help getting started, sign up for your free Goal PowerPage at http://thefitschool.com/classes/online/goals/
Also, Please join former Trail Half Marathon National Champion and registered dietitian, Maria Dalzot, athletic trainer and sports massage guru, Kerry Gustafson, and me at Fairhaven Runners and Walkers Fitness Forum, Basic Nutrition, Strength, and Training for Running Your Best on Thursday, January 12th
Let’s do this!
Coach Carol