Insights and wisdom from lifelong runners with a mission to educate and motivate individuals to make small changes each day to live healthier lives and to have fun while doing it.

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Great Store? It’s the Store-y of Great People!

(Pictured above: Circa 2010 – Fairhaven Runners blazing fast store team at the The Dirty Dan Days Piano Race!) As we celebrate our 25th store anniversary this summer, we thought…

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Great Store? It’s the Store-y of Great People!

(Pictured above: Circa 2010 – Fairhaven Runners blazing fast store team at the The Dirty Dan Days Piano Race!) As we celebrate our 25th store anniversary this summer, we thought…

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15 hours of moving time, 84,000+ steps taken, 148 miles traveled, and a couple less toe nails than I started with…

Five years ago, I set out to burn 10,000 calories in a day. I set out to do this because it was Covid Times (spooky) and I felt like I…

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Memorable Developments in Running Shoes – Thinking Back with Store Manager & Shoe Buyer Craig

As we close in on our upcoming 25th store anniversary this summer, we thought it would be fun to get some insights from beloved store manager and shoe buyer Craig,…

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Running as a Reliable Constant – by Krissy Moehl

Sometimes change comes suddenly. Sometimes you can look back and see all the steps that have led to the feeling of transition. Sometimes it feels natural, sometimes abrupt. I’ve noted…

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This Breath of Mine

In February we asked, “Why does Running make your Heart Race?” and received many fun and thoughtful responses. The following is a favorite response from Tammy Bennett about running, the…

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The Little Runner That Could

When my son was born, we signed up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, a program that mails one free book per month to children from birth to five years old….

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Tips for Getting Out and Getting Going During these Colder, Darker Months

Here are some of our favorite Go-To Tips and Tricks starting with our resident cold weather expert, staffer Kaleb, who grew up in Galena, a small village in the heart…

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Indoor Winter Workout Ideas

We’re all for year-round outdoor activity, but we also know that, on occasion, you just might not feel like heading out the door if it’s too wet or windy, icy…

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Quick Tips for Fueling Your Morning Workout

Eating and hydrating pre and post morning workout can be super helpful, if not critical, to performing and recovering well. Here are some staff suggestions that are easy to incorporate…

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Nine Nearby Leaf Crunching Run/ Hike Favorites

Here are some of our nearby favorites that will be ablaze in fall colors soon! Excelsior Pass A few years ago I hiked Excelsior Pass with a friend on a…

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Five Fun Cross Country Inspired Workouts

Want to put some pep in your step or zip in your zapatos? Do you have fond memories of your days running cross country or maybe you feel like your…

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12,000 Calories, 15 Hours of Moving and $65,000+ Raised for the Bellingham Food Bank! Yay Ethan!

On July 8th, Ethan Hunger burned 12,191 calories to raise awareness for food insecurity in Whatcom County. His day looked like this:  2:30 am – 114 mile road bike ride…

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