An Odyssey Getting to the Starting Line
Brian Esparza (wearing blue and red), finishing a recent 1,500m race, details his experience traveling to Portland for a track meet. Race day is undoubtedly my favorite day of the…
Brian Esparza (wearing blue and red), finishing a recent 1,500m race, details his experience traveling to Portland for a track meet. Race day is undoubtedly my favorite day of the…
Every runner has experienced that discomfort of hopping out of bed, getting off of the couch, or jumping out of the car and immediately starting to run. There are so…
The local & regional running community has had a treasure in Gale Pfueller, a founding member of the Greater Bellingham Running Club and board member & treasurer into this year,…
In this E-News A Quick Store Update How We Can Help You From Home A Curbside Apparel Sale & Quick Pick-Me-Ups Find Some Fun! Events to Keep you Safely Exploring…
Bringing the Store to You! Curb, New Online Store and Virtual Chat- Also: Fit School ONLINE Jumpin’June Training Program, Monday, June 1st – Sunday, July 5th, with Coach Carol Frazey…
Missing your BFF (Best Fitness Friend) during the quarantine? Send them some love and encouragement with our Qua-RUN-tine Support Box! Each box includes a pair of GOODR sunglasses, a FootRubz…
We are trying our very best to comply with Washington State Safe Start guidelines for a phased reopening of non-essential retail businesses. We are so excited to now be able…
The Chuckanut 50k is a race that I have cherished since moving here in 1998. After running it in 1999, I had the desire to run it every year, but…
Coach Christopher Fredlund – “I’m not hurt, what am I recovering from?” “I sat on the couch and watched the Seahawks game, that’s recovery right?” “Is protein all I need…
Coach Conner Johnsen – My journey in running started with cross country at Sehome High School. The coaching staff really embraced the ideology of making running a lifetime sport for all…